Sunday, April 05, 2020

Coronavirus 2020: First outing for the year ... and the last (for a while)

Date: April 4, 2020
Weather: Hot and sunny
Waters: Flat off Tuas
On board: C, A,  J1, J2, R, P and Pudding
New gear on board: Collapsible cooler for the beers  

This modern-day scourge, the novel coronavirus or Covid-19, is sweeping the world and making its presence felt in every last sphere of human activity. Most governments have imposed lockdowns to curb the spread of the flu-like illness (fatal for the aged or the immune-compromised) within the community. 

In Singapore, the number of cases is still rising. There is still no total lockdown, although the government has announced a near-total one, effective Tuesday, April 7. All schools will be shut, and workplaces have only newly been told now - get all your staff to work from home with very few exceptions. Only supermarkets, wet markets and essential services will remain open. Restaurants can stay open as well, but only to offer takeaway or food delivery services. 

Meanwhile, the following words and phrases have been heard often these days: Wash your hands. Don't touch your face. Social distancing. Work from home. Flatten the curve... (Singapore's curve has yet to flatten, and C and A believe it's the direct result of the government's super-calibrated (too calibrated?) series of moves to limit people fraternising. The schools, for instance, have gone from staying open to okayy, one day of home-based learning a week, to (and only two days ago), okayy, we'll shut the schools.  

Marinas... of course, aren't "essential" amenities, so with Raffles Marina being shut from Tuesday, the family took the chance for one last outing (at least for a while). This also happened to be the very first outing for the year 2020. I can't exactly remember why we haven't  been out - we just haven't. Our last was on Dec 30, 2019. Read that log here

We went to our usual spot in the waters just north of the Sungei Gedong military-firing area, and saw at least two Police Coast Guard boats there, ever ready to tell us to move away from the area. 

The dog didn't seem too nervous, despite the long layoff since the last outing. (See video of him with P, on her second outing on Little Wanderer 2.) If it hasn't been mentioned before, this doge has his own Instagram feed. Find him at @pudding_thegoldengod.)

As usual, we dropped anchor, broke open the beers, turned up the music and let the sun bake a new shade of tan into our skin. 

Pudding, as usual, getting in the way of
the main event, opening of the beers.
All pix and video shot on iPhone X.

Pudding dons a lei for the holiday vibe.
A lot of people say he's handsome, and we agree.
(The vet has pronounced him overweight though,
 at 33.1kg. A diet of reduced kibble portions
is ongoing, and treats have been greatly cut down.)   

The first three in the water, which was clear of flotsam,
but looking uninvitingly olive green and opaque.
 From left, P, J1 and R. Filter by Pixlr

From left, P (in water), J1 and R (on the swim platform)
and J2, half-in, half-out. Filter courtesy of Pixlr.

Fair is fair. Everyone on board on this
sunny Saturday is pictured here. 

A with Puddng. Shot taken by P.