Date: June 21, 2018
Trip #16 (#36)Weather: Sunny, very hot and still
Waters: Slightly choppy just outside the marina and on the way to the anchor point, but calm after dropping anchor north of the SAF firing range
On board: C, A, J1, J2, R and Pudding
New gear on board: Non-slip mat for the dog (Grandma's gift!)
This is how we remember mid-year weather to be - sunny, sun-burningly hot, in fact, searing. We just broke out the beers, turned up the music and chilled, our way.
Pudding uses the non-slip mat that Grandma bought him. |
Wet (and glad) dog. |
When J1 went below deck into air-conditioned comfort for his customary nap, the dog followed him readily.
Dog-dad J1 in a happy moment. |
R cosies up to her pal. |
This was a really chill afternoon - strange use of the word, come to think of it, given that it was anything but cool. But the flatness of the dark green, murky water, the stillness of the secondary jungle onshore, and our having that whole stretch of water south of the fish farms to ourselves was a wonderful Saturday respite from a hectic work week, which we undertook amid the hub-bub of renovations of our new home. So many things to tend to, some in consultation with the interior designer:
Where do you want the grommets on the study desks?
Do you prefer the bedside power points above or behind the bedside tables?
Has the fan for the front yard been ordered and paid for?
When do we install the awning if we are unsure of the Building & Construction Authority rules?
When are we going to start packing?
And where do the boxes sit in a home that is still pretty much lived in?
Will Move-In Day run smoothly?
What about the leaks in the basement of the new home - will that continue to haunt us and break our budget down the road?
What other things are left to buy?
We are all looking forward to moving - well, more precisely, settling into - the new place, and finding our new routines and rhythms.
And it's not just us. The dog too, four months into his life with our family and after graduating from a Puppy Start-Right programme, will have to find his own new level too.
We really don't understand people who keep moving house, either because of circumstances or because they get a good offer on their existing home. The unsettled-ness is awful to us. That sense of Place is key, the feeling that when you come Home, you know where all your things are; it's also where people important to you are.
At the close of yet another great day out. Raffles Marina dock |